New logo - more verification
New features also calls for a new design. Cx Planner has through the last months developed 15 new features in collaboration with our clients - from optimized PDF-reports to 3D-viewer.
And now it is finally time to show you our new logo!
The new logo consists of Cx Planner and the x is following out into a checkmark, which is a mark you'll see across all of Cx Planner's verification and quality tools.
You will already discover the new logo, since it is places on our frontpage and on our LinkedIn page.
Cx Planner has besides the new logo also gotten many new features, which makes commissioning and construction management easier.
You can now use our 3D BIM viewer to see your 3D models online, activate anonymous comments, so the contractor can access tasks without logging in, and many more features.

- Cx Planner