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CxManager update #1

A lot of new features has been implemented in during the Christmas of 2019. These new features will help you to organize and manage your commissioning projects. Try all the new features for free at - if you need any help or guidance, then don't hesitate to contact me!

New features:

Export project overview to Excel

Export a full overview of all your projects to Excel. When viewing all of your projects, just click on the "Export to XLSX" button.

Import 1000 task in less than 1 second

The function where you can import new task, or update existing tasks from an Excel file, has been improved. You can now import more than 1000 new task in less than 1 second!


Specify the main Cx-leader on the project. The Cx-leader has responsibility for all tasks related to the Cx-process.

Line-break in names

When you are adding new tasks, you can insert line-breaks into the name. Just hold down the "shift"-key while pressing "Enter", and a new line will be inserted.

Exclude search results

A new secret function has been included in a beta-version - you can exclude search parameters, if you insert an ! in front of the search parameter.
E.g. status:!Open will remove all "Open" tasks in your search. You can still combine multiple search parameters.

Handover date

Add a specific handover date for each project. Now you can add both a start, handover and an end date. All the dates will be included, when you export the projects to Excel.

Name of attached files

Filenames on attached files to your tasks will be cleaned. That means the filename will be same when you upload or download files.

Manully choose a date

You can now choose to use the date-picker or manully write a start and end date, when you are editing tasks.


You can try for free. Just register a free account at the registration page.